Version 1.17 Upgrade

Here is the package for upgrading the Vectrex32 firmware to version 1.17:

Vectrex32 upgrade 1.17

You must have Vectrex32 version 1.10 or newer in order to use this upgrade package. If you have version 1.00, see this post in the forums for instruction on upgrading.

Download the package to your computer, unzip it, and follow the instructions in Readme.txt.

Changes in this version are:

New Features:

  • Add file I/O, useful for saving high scores or loading game data
  • Add Code pseudo-sprite, which allows BASIC programs to send any 6809 code to the Vectrex
  • Add Instr function for searching in strings. May be useful when parsing high score files or data files.
  • Reduce the memory used by compiled BASIC code.
  • Improve the documentation for SpriteTranslate().

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix playing of music; random sounds were playing after the music was done.
  • When trace is on (TRON), print line numbers for ELSEIF statements.
  • Handle lines terminated by only LF.
  • Remove support for large coordinates in DotsSprites; it was adding extra dots and there’s no alternative solution.
  • Improve error reporting when there are large coordinates.
  • Prevent the Sound() function from modifying the AY-3-8912’s I/O Enable bits.
  • Fix occasional 6809 crashes. They were caused when the signal line from the Vectrex32 that tells the 6809 that there are new commands to execute had a glitch on it. The 6809 code now double-checks the validity of that signal.

For more information about this upgrade, see the Version 1.17 Documentation post.

Version 1.16 was never released.

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